swdaf.com - provides great English audio daf yomi shiurim in a very clear manner from my dear friend, Simon Wolf of Ramat Shilo. Studying the Daf Yomi takes on new meaning when you utilize our clear and concise daily Daf Notes. Talmud Bavli Quick Chart Welcome to our Daf Yomi site. www.AllDaf.com or download the app on your phone. Please participate and spread the word ! An advanced forum for those studying the Daf Yomi, this blog will be posting questions and insights on a daily basis. swdaf.com - provides great English audio daf yomi shiurim in a very clear manner from Simon Wolf of Ramat Shilo. Daf Hachaim (iPad Only) – Free – Daf HaChaim is a revolution in Talmud study that makes learning easier, clearer, and more accessible than ever before. Many shiurim are from Machon Meir. I personally love this app. It's a must see for anyone who learns the daf. Whether you use our English Commentary (translation) or enjoy reading our Daf Insights, you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a … Other Daf Yomi Resources on the Web. 23, 2021) Many highly detailed charts and diagrams of the daf on a very high level. -- Daf Yomi Advancement Forum, of Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerusholayim, is a free Daf Yomi resource center. All Daf – The OU’s newest Day Yomi platform which gives multiple options of shiurim and commentaries. Rabbi Elefants Daf Yomi shiur has over 3,000 daily listeners, and covers many of the classic commentaries on the Daf, touching on many practical Halacha rulings. Hatzlacha! 8 Minute Daf – Excellent 8 minute review of each daf by R’ Eli Stefansky. Daf Yomi Review - review programs, various torah articles . Sign up for his WhatsApp Group or just watch the videos on his website at 8minutedaf.com or you can follow this on the All Daf … It’s also a handy way to review the Daf while traveling or when you’re otherwise without a computing device. ... » Custom Program » Review Charts » Advanced Programs Review Programs FAQ. And, it’s indispensible for keeping up with Daf Yomi on Shabbos and Yom Tov. These podcasts are live recordings of Rabbi Linzer’s morning daf yomi class at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and are approximately 50 minutes in length. Today is Feb. 18, 2021 ו' אדר תשפ"א. Pesachim 89. Next masechet: Shekalim (Mar. TorahForMe.com has free Torah MP3 classes and Torah reading, including a folder called DAF YOMI GEMARA. The "Daf Yomi Masechta Review" is an easy to follow audio “chazara” system which helps people review and remember the Gemaras they’ve learned. For an archive of previous daf yomi classes, and for more audio recordings of classes and lectures by R. Linzer, please visit our website at www.yctorah.org. Categories: Daf daf yomi free resource gemara gemorah rabbinics talmud. He also puts out many highly detailed charts and diagrams of the daf on a very high level. Each 30 minute segmentprovides the highlights of an average of 8-10 blatt/pages of talmud. English study material, available in e-mail or printed form, includes: Daf-Insights, Daf-Background, Daf-Review Q&A, Daf-Outline, Daf-Quiz, Daf-Hebrew Charts, and in Hebrew, "Galei Masechta" and the acclaimed "Yosef Da'as."

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