Tear up your credit cards and get all your bills paid off, because now is the time. Such historical humanitarians were Lincoln, and Gandhi, etc. Remember, people can’t read your mind. With this transit to your Ascendant and Natal First House, there is an obligation placed on you to take yourself more seriously, to mature and ‘grow up’. You are about to feel the experience of a Cardinal T-Square in your solar 4th, 7th, ad 10th houses so be prepared for some huge changes in these departments of your life. Now is the time to search out new friends and groups and clubs in which to join in order to find new and better social outlets. Act as if. You may think you have the freedom to spend as you choose, but you could be experiencing freedom through the use of money and spending. With transiting Pluto in your 10th house of career, profession, status in life and transiting Uranus in Aries in your first house, your personality is going to change in huge ways. Your services are needed and you feel good about helping. You have to break useless structures and make immense progress in your outer life. Elles correspondent également à des moments professionnels et relationnels ou l’égo doit se repositionner. Debt you owe other people will now come up to deal with and settle once and for all. By the end of Pluto’s journey through a house or department of life in your natal chart, you will know that you’ve been through some type of long, transforming, experience. You may find comfort in a new church or religion. Work on yourself; get rid of the faults that hold you back from self-actualization and success, especially if you have low self-esteem or think you are not good enough to succeed. You want to be ready. Learn computers and you may find yourself buying new computer equipment. You will make progress in getting debt paid down. Instead he attacked the probate lawyer, calling him incompetent and illegal. Make sure your property is in good condition or else you could be sued. You’re an enigma and people are fascinated by you. For instance, the Pluto/Uranus squares will occur within a degree or two before, then after my Asc with the peak falling exactly on my Asc. And, this is probably what you are going to be doing in these next few years. It is a very important transit. One of the most important issues that will be dealt with during Pluto's journey through the sign of Capricorn, the winter sign, will be the subject of aging. Check into these agencies to make sure they aren’t going to go belly-up or mishandle your investments. Pluto in Capricorn for Pisces. Pluto again, associated with death, and it was in the sign of death and destruction at its full culmination, 29 degrees. You are only as excluded as you agree to be. During this cycle all or some of these departments of life will be in high focus. You will seek freedom at any cost to be yourself and you will transform into a very unique and independent person and personality. Obey the rules, all rules, don’t speed, if you do, the police are likely to find you and fine you heavily. You are experiencing a Cardinal T-Square in fixed houses indicating that you can get a lot started and finished. Pluto transits through both zodiacs over the past 500 years show clearly how this has come about and what the world faces today. But, hang in there and don’t lose your faith. If you have used money in the past to doctor your feelings or to make you feel better, then transiting Pluto here will make you stop and think about how you have been spending your money. I'm really curious how the Uranus square Pluto will modify transit Pluto conjunct Asc transit or if would significantly modify the energy? You may feel you have a spiritual purpose to help others, just don’t run away from taking care of our own problems or responsibilities. It is okay to help, just make sure your help is needed or wanted and will make a difference. Don’t sit back and do nothing. Transit Pluto Opposite Ascendant. Just remember you are the parent and need to exercise maturity in all matters dealing with children. Saturn conjunction Ascendant in transit: My mother died. Children are likely to be facing major change in their lives, be supportive of their life decisions and career changes. Prenuptials would be a good thing before getting married or moving in with another. I have been wondering when Pluto would get out of my twelfth house! Lucky for you transiting Pluto is in an earth sign of Capricorn, thus you will stay more grounded than the Sagittarians who experienced this Pluto transit. Children could be a financial burden during this cycle. This Pluto transit requires you to tear down routines that are holding you back, Leo – and that includes any hint of a dead-end job. Cars don’t last forever. Rad and Steve - Thanks for the warm welcome! You could now be the peace maker within the family unit and with siblings. 233 years ago in 1776 we, in Northern America, won our independence from England, July 4, 1776. This is a time of transition in your own life now, so be gentle with yourself as you watch changes taking place all around you. Treat those you work with with more friendliness and communicate more clearly to everyone around you. Other aspects to your Ascendant plus and fixed star conjunctions make the results of this transit quite variable. It doesn’t hurt to question your religious teachings, but God isn’t your problem. All the things you bought in the past couldn’t repair that hole in the heart, that buried trauma, that situation that you buried from long ago. Pluto is now conjunct my ascendant and while Jupiter and Saturn will move on, I will not be clear Pluto until early, 2022. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are currently conjunct my ascendant in the sign. You will experience what is known astrologically as a Cardinal T-Square and this will feel like a lot of pressure on you or like the world is on your shoulders. Transiting Pluto is still in your solar 4th house of home, family, the past, real estate, land, a parent (mother), domestic situations, and your heritage. This cardinal T-square is apt to make you feel like you want to get started in preparation of some big changes you are considering down the road. Court cases are a real hassle and stressful. Count it as in play from the first time it is exact until a couple of months after the last exact conjunction. Things are going to break down and then be transformed, like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes. Remember, I am dealing only with the solar chart since I do not have everyone in the world’s natal chart. My "new wife" is even more simpatico than the one who "left" and is also very involved in music and taking lessons from a first chair in the symphony. He entered Capricorn at the end of September, and will be on his way to Aquarius by November 9/10th. You could be very involved in work and service to help others in the health field. Make sure you keep all your bills and receipts. You are likely to make strong first impressions with a lasting influence on others. You may take care of those feelings in the right way–by talking about them and getting them up and out in the open. Others close to you may be quite surprised by your new behavior and attitude. Become the powerhouse, high executive, wealthy person, authority figure, master at your craft that this Pluto transits says you can be. Pluto in Capricorn for Gemini Nothing more to mention then transformation in Life Path if you’re on wrong life path. Siblings may need your help or it is time to stop arguing. I do have natal Saturn Rx 7th house, Pluto Rx and NN in Libra with Venus Rx/SN/Chiron on my IC. Tension could mount as you and your significant other are at a Mexican Stand Off. What you thought you wanted may not be what you want now. But avoid acting like a “big shot” and that you can’t lose. And by the end of the transit, the native will … Would this be true of Pluto crossing any of the angles? The Pluto transit is now almost exact my progressed ascendant, and I have a wonderful new dog, I'm in great health, things are fine. As Pluto is in a house, you’ll have to work to transform the areas of life ruled by the house. You may be renting out one of your homes or you may need to help someone and it could be your own children as they transition into a new home. Get rid of past garbage. Machinery can become outdated, obsolete, or destroyed. Do not be afraid. All of this translates and funnels down into your everyday life. The best thing you can do is listen. Brainstorm: Pluto/Ascendant Astrology Aspects. You will enjoy magnetic attractiveness and more charisma. When Pluto makes his way into Capricorn, he will be transforming many of the areas of life Capricorn deals with. Likewise, your increased personal power and influence can transform the lives of people around you. It’s time to open up and talk about some serious matters, especially about money, death and sex. Seek inclusion with those truly like you. I have a strong Saturn anyway (Sun Saturn conjunction in tenth, Capricorn rising) and a fairly strong Pluto (7th house Pluto squares my Sun Saturn conjunction, I have Scorpio on the Midheaven and Venus Neptune conjunction in Scorpio in 9th, also North node is in Scorpio in tenth squaring Pluto). Open enemies could cause you some stress or concern. Your significant other may want freedom or a divorce and you may want more control. You may have problems selling a home or buying one and it could be because significant other doesn’t want to sell or move. I had an Astrology reading which triggered this transit (like the transformation started) and I went through a 2 month hibernation of fear and anxiety. Get your teeth fixed if they need fixing or cleaning. New friends, new groups and organizations are all highlighted in this cycle of your life. Rather, he has been nothing but supportive and seems to be apart of a deep healing process I'm going through. Stop day dreaming and put your mind and creativity to work for you. If you lose a pet, find a positive way to remember them. Pluto in Capricorn transit 10th house This is an incredible opportunity! Cultivate your goods and present them in the arena that really rattles your rafters in a good way. Bubonic plague–the Black Death–ravaged Europe, Asia and Africa from the J/P conjunction of 1347 to their opposition in 1353. Pluto officially entered the sign of Capricorn November 27, 2008 and will be in Capricorn … My point is this. Pluto in Capricorn for Cancer Perhaps you will begin to treat your body and health with much more concern and awareness. I don’t usually use my Website for political rhetoric, but, without a doubt, Pluto now in the sign of Capricorn is going to transform many countries politically, especially the US as a nation, and personally in some form or another. “Please do fill us in on your Pluto/ascendant journey when you get the chance.” Okay, Daniel! Current transits are based on how the current planets in the sky move through your natal chart (the locations of the planets at the time of your birth). Generally speaking, “don’t die” is a pretty good strategy to survive most things. If you are a landlord, make sure you screen your tenants closely and don’t be an absent landlord. A tree could fall on your house, you could wind up in the hospital with a life threatening illness. Yes, I said that right. If your house needs rehab work or fixing up, then be prepared to put in all the hard work necessary and get it done, especially if you are thinking of selling it in a few years. You are likely to have to get a newer computer, or phone service. Pluto in Capricorn transit 4th house The sky is the limit as long as you learn how to organize, set your goals and then carry through. Partner’s money and finances could be undergoing a strain or some stress at this time. You could suddenly want to change careers and up and quit what you have been doing in order to feel free. During the Moon conjunct Pluto transit, people are having more premonitory dreams, better psychic abilities and some moods meant to help them know themselves better. Saturn and Pluto are currently transiting conjunct my ascendant, entering my first house. Mars travels much faster through the zodiac than Pluto. These feuds can last a lifetime or maybe now is the time to settle any such feuds. You will have more power and influence over the outcomes in your life. This period is favorable for consulting a therapist or having a meaningful talk with a close friend. Getting a new telephone or cell phone or numbers may be necessary. Any thoughts? Transiting Pluto is still in your solar 11th house of friends, hopes, life goals, organizations and money from your profession and business. PLUTON, l’astre des ténèbres, provoque des situations mortifères ... bien reliée à l’Ascendant ou au Milieu du Ciel et trigone à l’Ascendant), le père peut être ressenti comme puissant, brillant. You need to watch your money more closely and begin to learn a new and better way of spending and saving. It depends on how you handle this transit and your partner and/or how they handle and treat you. Learn all about what this means for us here on earth. You are very busy during this cycle trying to make a marriage work. Seek justice in all matters to do with schools, teachers, and judges. In addition, while on a road trip during that time to visit family who had just moved to a another state and bought a condo in the mountains, my wife experienced some sort of immediate nausea illness while we were at dinner, went out and lay in the back of the car, freezing with cold and chills and couldnt be moved because it caused extreme car sickness and this went on for several hours in that spot, during which time I am certain she left, and that I am now married to a walk-in. Like other transits to the Ascendant, your close relationships are affected but the main focus is on you. While this has been happening the last 2.5 years have also seen it go opposite my natal sun, opposite my natal Venus, and square my natal Pluto. Strength never came out of being coddled, and usually this is a time during which you will be tested. Jupiter conjunct ascendant transit is a period when new people can come into your life, new opportunities can appear, or you can begin studying something new. Could get new neighbors that have an impact on your life for good or bad. This transit of Pluto into the sign of Capricorn is a huge major transit. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn and Pluto: Introduction. M. esmerizing. You have to be the boss of the job you are in during this cycle, otherwise you may feel terribly trapped. ... Pluto will also impact you through your astrological chart, and through the house in your personal chart he is transiting, based on your ascendant (your rising sign). This is all due to the transforming qualities of transiting Pluto over your Ascendant and into your first house. Oh, what to do, you keep asking yourself. Just be careful not to be overly stubborn or rigid in how finances are handled. Even though it is the smallest planet, astrology knows it exerts immense power on whatever it touches in the horoscope, and it signals pivotal life changes on many levels over the period of 2 years! You are likely to get involved in new groups that have a powerful impact on and in your life during this Pluto transit through your solar 11th house. Pluto is a destroyer by nature, it purges, wipes away. It was a result of these inventions and the cutting of the first canals at this time that factory-era began, along with a massive increase in the production of other industries with the use of many new watermills. Americans are crying out for a voice to be heard in our government. Would this be true of Pluto crossing any of the angles? No need to be isolated. Will there be a revolution of some sort? My brother didn’t even ask what happened. Pluto is retrograde every year for approximately five months. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Pluto in Capricorn for Scorpio Get ready for what? They may be going through some major transformations. Moon conjunct Pluto Transit . 26 January 1785 6 March 1814 19 July 1814 4 December 1814 13 January 1844 16 February 1873 17 August 1873 11 November 1873 20 April 1902 26 May 1902 29 December 1902 2 February 1932 16 March 1961 5 July 1961 12 December 1961 16 January 1991 Anything of the supernatural is very intriguing and interesting to you now. Pluto transits can also help you achieve your Dharma when you make good things happen, when you sow good seeds and do good deeds. The table below is easy to interpret, because it provides the exact dates and times when Pluto entered a zodiac sign and remained there till Pluto enters the next sign, with times in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) - that is same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Don’t waste time. 57 people love it! This is a cycle when you might consider buying a house or a condo or a piece of land or property as well as selling a house, condo or land. Pluto in Capricorn for Capricorn If you do not have a copy of your natal chart, go to the main menu on this website and click on Free reports, from there go to natal chart wheel and plug in all your birth data. Saturn and Pluto have been conjunct transiting in Capricorn since forever it seems – however, have you really noticed the effects they’re having on you? I, your 10th house of career, profession, status in life. Transiting Pluto is still in your solar 3rd house of daily communication, daily travel, transportation, neighbors, siblings, mind, thinking, talking, cars, computers, and telephones. It can take 248 years to travel through the entire zodiac. For more of Astrology Club’s view on the major transits and how they may affect you click on any of these planets below: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Your job may entail a lot more commuting and daily travel. Mars In Taurus 2019: Cultivate & Embrace Beauty, New Moon in Aries 2018: Initiating New Initiatives, Mercury Transit In Aries 2018: Get to the Point Quickly. You can develop a much better attitude about yourself and your future life and what you want out of life. Some of the most intense changes that have really started to take place within me are indeed these deeper truths about me that have been surfacing via my new partner.
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