This shows the respect and love Caesar has for his mislead friend, Brutus. Brutus sees his intention to murder Caesar as an emotionless, impersonal act that would save Rome from a would-be tyrant. its people that he forgot the real purpose of killing Caesar. One of Brutus’s motivations for killing Caesar is that he believes it is what is best for Rome: “It must be by his death, and for my part I know no personal cause to spurn at him but for the general.” The group of conspirators all believes that Caesar’s ambition puts Rome in danger of becoming a monarchy. His hatred of Caesar led him to commit suicide after that great imperial leader had defeated the followers of Pompey. What is Antony going to show the people before he reads the will? Brutus allows Cassius to be 'his mirror' and to dictate his thoughts and emotions. Consider the context: Caesar had won a civil war fought to stop him and his supporters. Share 3. So as he loved Rome more he joined the conspirators. 2. Even though Brutus is relatively close friends with Caesar and holds no personal grudge against him, he does believe Caesar is capable of becoming an emperor and enslaving the population. Professor Hudson thus sums up Brutus' reasoning: "Since we have no apparent ground of complaint against Caesar in what he is, or in anything he has yet done, let us assume that the further addition of a crown will quite transform his nature, and make him a serpent." Indeed Brutus was friends with Julius Caesar. Brutus, Caesar’s best friend, is deciding if he wants to become part of this conspiracy. The previous answers both link to the theme of 'public good versus personal benefit'. Unlike the other conspirators, Brutus is an honorable man with good intentions and views Julius Caesar as a serious threat to the Roman Republic. Brutus has no appetite to … Brutus believed in the Republic and wanted to pledge his loyalty to it. Brutus loved his country more than he valued his friendships, so he chose to kill his friend, Caesar, just for the future of Romans. Brutus is generally a man of honor. 4) How does Cassius die? Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Cassius was worried about Titinius, so he sent Pindarus to monitor Titinius's progess. Caesar not only appeared on the denarius coin but was named by some senators as dictator in perpetuity. William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, or just Julius Caesar, is believed to have been written in 1599 and is one of Shakespeare's works based on true historical events.Though Caesar is the title character, his role is not as large as that of Marcus Brutus, the conspirator who takes Caesar's life. why did cassius kill julius. There is every indication there was genuine fondness. Brutus is totally convinced that he is doing wrong, that Caesar will get to too much power. Already a member? No wonder the people of Rome loved Caesar, as evidenced by the fury they displayed in running Brutus and his cohort out of Rome in terror after it was disclosed that they were the assassins. So Brutus conspired with Cassius to assassinate Julius Caesar, convinced by Cassius that by killing his close friend Caesar, he would save Rome. Brutus does not join the other conspirators frivolously but does a great deal of soul-searching. Brutus recognizes and fears Caesar's growing popularity, and Cassius convinces him that Caesar is an ambitious, dangerous man. This is heavily foreshadowing Polonius' death because Hamlet is like Brutus to Polonius. Caesar was heartbroken at the sight of his friend and gave up his will to fight. This reveals that Brutus does not understand enough about his own weakness, he is unaware of the fact that he is easily manipulated. Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the main character, Julius Caesar is made out to be an ambitious and arrogant dictator in Rome. He is the only senator who does not act out of self-interest and is genuinely concerned about the well-being of Rome. Brutus disagreed with both. Brutus likes Caesar well enough but doesn't really trust him. BRUTUS. Why does Brutus kill himself in the end of Julius Caesar? In other words, I think the question should not be "Why did Brutus kill Caesar" but why did Shakespeare's character Brutus kill the character Caesar. Cassius wants Brutus to join in a conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar. Since that time, no king has ruled over Rome, but Caesar is now giving every indication that he wants to be made king of Rome.

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