I am so sad because I was a bad wife and now my husband has left me for another woman now I don’t know what to do. When a person drunk dials, something’s clearly going on with his or her brain. And I must be a gluten because I keep going back for more. It needs to change. When he finally makes me cry he laughs at me and then tells me to stop the dramatics. Don’t wait around for that. People hate being told “I told you so,” hence why they instead pretend to be exhilarated. And on one level such vibes are real. Furthermore, what your ex knows about your new partner is so insignificant, he or she usually doesn’t know where to strike. Interesting. My friend saw him and his friends and said that he went out with them but not doing anything, he has every right to be sad but he’s not reaching out or anything. I feel like my ex is warming up to me but he has not directly said anything to suggest he wants me back nor has the conversation on the break-up come up yet. The wife should not try to embrace these feelings as something that she may be responsible for. (She left after 3 years, leaving me and our surviving kids behind, and has cut us all off). He lashed out, told me he didn’t respect me—never has. In my case, I either hid from my wife (now ex-wife) or yelled at her. I am not perfect, but I have been a good wife to him all these years. Perhaps consider going off on a multi day trip. And the few times that they do usually does not mean they hate their wives. In Lead the Field, Earl Nightingale says, “We are at our very best, and we are happiest when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. Sometimes those upset feelings will cross over into the relationship with their wife. It may or may not be because he “hates” you, but it could be. He told me that I didn’t have faith in his ability to support us that my going out and applying for a job is making him look bad. It seems that anytime I bring up that topic, he slides away into another conversation or literally walks into another room and starts doing something else. I think my husband still loves me, but sometimes I also think we have a love – hate relationship and I am just not happy with the course our marriage has taken. Sure, it is entirely possible that your husband is hiding hateful feelings and directs them at you, his wife, in subtle ways. In some cases, if someone feels a strong dislike for you, they make it clear, but often society might force them to try to hide it. I tell him if he hates me then we should break up bc one min he loves me but the next he hates me. Now I am garbage, I’m stupid, retarded, simpleton, I deserve to live in the gutter, I’m a their and a freeloader. I think he might be putting things in my drinks but he says “oh, you just want a excuse to do drugs” i stayed quite and started to cry right their i knew he was .. Thats what i got so later on i ask what that was about .. Does he really hate me and being around me? We don’t have any children, but we have discussed that and I really want to build things back up in our marriage. Oh yeah and everything we have gotten in our relationship is his…I own nothing. why is he acting like that? If you know they won’t like your new significant other, don’t talk about it. Since they don’t hold back on their emotions, they end up calling their exes and reveal their unhappiness. For your entire life you have processed things from the female perspective. It just seems that when I try to engage with him, he hates talking to me or hearing about my worries and concerns. It appears you are the strong one in this marriage. There is no greater revenge on an ex-partner than enjoying your life in his or her absence. After a while, I pulled back, didn’t mention our deceased daughter’s name, took care of things like getting a tombstone made, creating an online memorial and going to probate court without telling her, and the resentment grew. That is abuse, he is manipulative and you don’t have to take it. This transition from no pain to pain is bigger for drug abusers as their emotional mood fluctuates from extremely elated to very unhappy.

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